10 Ways to Journey at the Pace of Peace - Part 2

Weekend Series: Less=More Peace

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Do you want to live life at a peaceful pace, but when the rubber meets the road, find it is bursting at the seams?

Whether it's our closets or our calendars, an overstuffed life distracts our focus from Christ and leaves us feeling anything but peaceful. In order to keep Jesus at the center, we need to eliminate the items and obligations that threaten to sabotage our intentions.

One way to do this is to dedicate time at least twice per year to inventory both the things you own, as well as the obligations filling your calendar and determine if they match the priorities in your life.

Begin with Prayer--asking God to help you build a life with him at the center and requesting he show you what his priorities are for your life in this season.

Then, go through your closets and cabinets using the following questions to help you decide what to keep.

  • How often do I use this?
  • Does it fit?
  • Does it spark joy?
  • Does it have sentimental value?

Consider donating clothing and other items that no longer serve you. By doing so, you create a more peaceful environment for yourself, and also bless someone else.

For your calendar, make a list of personal priorities for this season of life, and then use these as a filter for each calendar obligation. This will help you discern what is no longer a good fit, and make it easier to step away.

For example, if your current priorities are deepening your relationship with God, strengthening your marriage, taking care of your health, and completing your degree you can run each calendar obligation through this filter. If something on your calendar is cutting into your available study time and making you extremely stressed out, it might be time to step back from it. Pray about it and ask God if this is something you should release. Try to streamline your calendar so that what is on it contributes to your God given priorities during this season. If you have a family, it's wise to do this exercise for each person.

As you ruthlessly eliminate the unnecessary things from your life, you will begin to create surroundings and rhythms that allow you to journey at the pace of peace.

This article was written by Kelly Pagel, Director of the LivingItOut.

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