10 Ways to Journey at the Pace of Peace - Part 3

Weekend Series: Courage to Rest

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, June 28, 2024

Rest is courageous? Although initially it might seem a little nonsensical, in today’s roll up your sleeves and double down, “The best never rest* society”, resting is downright counter-cultural. Rest is often perceived as lazy or unambitious, but in our pursuit of the pace of peace, learning how to rest is critical.

So, what exactly is meant by rest? Whether used as a noun or a verb, the concept of rest means ceasing work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.

Rest is demonstrated in the second chapter of the Bible, when God rests after the creation of the world (Genesis 2:2). Now, God is God and he didn’t need to recover strength, however, he is setting an example of a rhythm for his children to follow as he knew we would need it. Although it may appear unproductive, rest is very beneficial both mentally and physically. But to set things aside and allow ourselves to reset, requires trusting God that everything will be OK if we pause. 

3 ways to rest

One of the key and perhaps most obvious ways we rest is through sleep. Getting 8 hours of sleep a night regulates hormones and in turn reduces blood pressure, and blood sugar levels while improving immune response, healthy digestion and productivity.

To get quality sleep each night, be sure to practice good sleep hygiene habits.

Another way to rest is to take time each day to participate in restorative activities that refresh you. Connecting with friends, taking a walk, playing an instrument, or gardening are all examples. Although doom scrolling or binge watching might feel restorative at the time, these activities generally don’t leave us feeling refreshed and ready for our next activity.

Finally, consider taking a weekly Sabbath. God demonstrated this in Genesis 2 and gave us this command (Exodus 20:8) not to be burdensome but to improve our well-being. Embrace the Sabbath as an opportunity to worship, step away from work, and allow your body to rejuvenate. If you are unable to take a full day, consider even a few hours. If this isn’t a regular habit, start slow and simply begin experimenting with what it can look like.

When we allow our bodies to sufficiently rest, we return energized, focused and able to serve God well.

Which way will you choose to courageously rest this week?

*Ford Truck marketing campaign slogan 1990

Did you miss the previous 2 articles in this series? Check them out here and here. 

This post was written by Kelly Pagel, Director of the LivingItOut Devotional.

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