5 Tips to Help You Continue Fasting When You’d Rather Quit

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, January 12, 2024

Fasting is a practice we see throughout the Bible. Jesus said “when you fast” (Matthew 6:16-17) indicating he assumed people would. But if you are in the midst of it, the cravings can feel like mountains you'll have to scale before finishing the fast.

As we go through our fasting period, its typical to experience temptation for whatever we have given up, whether technology or certain foods. Our habits of what we normally choose to provide happiness, satisfaction, or comfort have likely been ingrained for a long time, and often our body feels “entitled” to whatever it is we’ve given up* for the fast. Fasting helps us break these strongholds and seek God more fully, depending on him to satisfy us.

Having a plan for when temptation strikes will help you navigate these longings and get the most out of the fast. Below are five suggestions to help you shift your focus off the item of desire and onto God.

Spend time in prayer. Take this time to connect with God in prayer, confessing the intensity of your desire for the food that you tend to turn to before God or technology, etc. Ask God to take away this longing, and instead long for him. You can pray Psalm 42:1 slowly in the rhythm of your breath:

Inhale - As the deer longs for streams of water,

Exhale - so I long for you, O God.

Spend time worshiping God through music. Create a playlist of your favorite worship songs. This is a great song to add to your list.

Spend time sitting quietly, listening for God’s still, small voice. While the previous ideas were more active, here you are simply quiet, waiting, and listening. It’s easy for your mind to get off track. You can recenter yourself with Psalm 42:1 above, but ideally, try to be quiet and listen to what God wants to say to you in this moment.

Take a walk in nature observing the wonders of God’s creation. Take your time and use multiple senses: take in the majesty of what you see, hear, and smell.

Spend time reading Scripture. Work your way through the Psalms, or the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Read slowly, looking for God in what you read. Use a journal to record and observations or key takeaways.

Using any, or all of these, suggestions can help you navigate times of desire during your fast. You may have to use them over and over for the period of the fast, but see even this as an opportunity to cultivate a deeper dependence on God and grow closer to him.

(*Water is important to our body, so do not limit that. Bonus suggestion: sipping water can help with our food cravings as sometimes we misinterpret thirst for hunger.)

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