Are you there God? 6 Things To Do When God Seems Silent - Part I

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, March 8, 2024

Have you ever experienced seasons in your faith when God seemed silent?

You’ve likely been there, or perhaps you're there right now – slogging through a time when God feels distant and prayers are left unanswered. If you haven’t, don’t be surprised if it happens in the future. Although those mountain top experiences when we feel exceptionally close to God are amazing, life is a journey, so dry valleys happen too. We even read about the psalmists crying out to God when he feels absent (Psalm 42, Psalm 88)

Is God still around in these times?

Rest assured! Our God is omnipresent—he is everywhere. But for reasons we may not understand this side of heaven, there are times he is particularly quiet. So, how do we remain faithful during those dry periods of our faith?

This week, we’ll explore two steps that can help us navigate these lonely seasons and unpack an additional four next week.

Examine Yourself

First, ensure there is nothing obvious creating a wall between you and God. Consider if there is any unconfessed sin that may be impacting your relationship with God. This is not about perfection. We all sin; we are all a work in progress. However, if you are actively choosing a life of sin, God may be waiting for you to turn from that towards him. Prayerfully ask God to reveal any areas you might be struggling with—sometimes we are blind to them because they are so familiar. This is an opportunity to surrender this to him and allow yourself to be refined. It's not always comfortable, but this is part of the formation process as you become more like Christ.

Stay in Scripture

Another step to take is reading God’s Word daily. During dry periods this may seem exceptionally unappealing and the last thing you want to do, but truths about who he is, your identity in Christ, and God’s love for you fill the pages of Scripture. The Bible is a key way God speaks to us. Carve out time daily, and prayerfully invite him to speak to you through his Word.

Spend some time working through these two suggestions and next week we’ll dive into additional ways to navigate the times God feels silent.

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