Got Compassion?

Weekend Series: Advent 2022

DreamTeam Writer: Karen Peck

Read 1 Peter, Proverbs 10, Romans 8

Thursday, December 15, 2022

December 15, 2022

The month of December presents various forms of traditions—including cultural and generational customs. For Christians, the season of advent has different parts. It is a time for communities of faith and families to embrace the true meaning of Jesus’ birth. For many, that is where faith in God takes its first step.

If not for God’s undeniable demonstration of compassion, possessing an undying hope would be impossible. It is, for me, a perpetual hope made possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

It’s obvious to me that God gently led me to focus on the word compassion in this writing. Undoubtedly, it is the underlying reason writing this piece has been unlike any other challenge I have recently faced. To be honest, there is someone in my life who is in genuine need of compassion—God’s and mine. While God’s supply never experiences a shortage, the well I maintain is quite another story.

Please join me now as my rawest emotions, along with the untreated emotional and spiritual immaturity of my soul, are fully exposed in prayer. The personal challenges I face this month likely pale in significance to the challenges others face. Knowing that, however, does not decrease my emotional turmoil.

Remind me, again, Lord. Taking the high road is the God-honoring response where precious relationships seemingly have been kicked off the face of the earth.


Give me the courage and determination, Lord, to face the enemy of my soul and to extend genuine love, your love.


Empower me, Lord, to always remember, “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).


Lord, help me remember Proverbs 10:12, “Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.”


God, remind me regularly of the dilemma Joseph faced with his hateful, jealous brothers and his response to them: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.” May Joseph’s response become my default response, every time evil appears.


God, thank you, for offering compassion to this (old) soul countless times. Help me cling to this verse: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 NASB).

God, you powerfully demonstrated your compassion by urging me to choose the word compassion to focus on in this writing. Thank you. This personal lesson has helped me—more than a little. It is my prayer that this exercise benefits others with similar struggles.

Do you struggle with accepting compassion from others? Do you struggle with accepting compassion from God? Do you struggle with offering compassion to others?

Next Steps:
Increase your understanding of advent by reading "The Beautiful Meaning and Purpose of Advent." Choose to offer compassion to others. Increase your understanding of God’s compassion by reading, "What are some Bible verses about compassion?" and "What does the Bible say about compassion?"

Heavenly Father, help me get it right when it comes to compassion. Help me understand the “whys” when gaping holes exist in my capacity to offer compassion to others. Please continue to arrange circumstances that offer opportunities to step into life’s messiness, allowing all involved to be stretched and moved in God-honoring ways. Thank you for repeatedly demonstrating and offering compassion. Empower me to quickly recycle life’s hurts into sincere understanding and compassion for others. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Parent resource:
Read Luke 2:9 together as a family. What would you do if a brilliant angel from God appeared in your home? Share how you would react. 

This post was written by Karen Peck. Karen retired in March 2018 from Lucas County Information Services. She has been married to her husband, E. Michael, for over forty years. Karen is extremely grateful retirement has afforded her several soul-fulfilling opportunities to engage in deeper, meaningful relationships with Him and others.

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