Day 11

Weekend Series: Luke Reading Plan

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Read Luke 11

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Read Luke 11.  Have you ever been confused by prayer? In this chapter, Jesus teaches His disciples about this powerful spiritual habit.

Questions to Ask

Here are a few questions to reflect on while you read the chapter. You might consider journaling your responses to see all that God is teaching you over the next 24 days.

  • What did you learn about God from this chapter?
  • Was an area revealed where you need to find freedom from?
  • What did you learn about the purpose for your life from this chapter?
  • In what way can you make a difference with what you’ve learned today?

Would you like to apply what you’ve learned? Check out the corresponding LivingItOut devotion for some great next steps to take with what you read in this chapter.

Corresponding Devotional:

  1. A Clean Cup
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