My Hope

Weekend Series: Advent 2022

DreamTeam Writer: Casey Stengel

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 6, 2022

As my relationship with God continues to grow, it has become easier to remain hopeful. I know that no matter the circumstances, I am loved. Even though I’m not the greatest at choosing my words and I have been known to talk in circles (it might be genetic Stengelese), I don’t need to wonder if God hears my cries for help. I am confident he hears me loud and clear and knows my hopes and dreams—because he made me the way I am. He knows me.

During a time of year that is often filled with shopping and presents, it's easy to lose hope as expansive wish lists and tight budgets collide. In Western society, people often get caught up in putting their hope in the perfect present under the tree. But true hope offers so much more.

I recently saw a story on the news about two orphaned brothers from Sierra Leone who were adopted into an American family. For the first time in his life, one of the brothers, Abraham, was thrown a birthday party. He was so moved that he called his cake the “blessing cake.”

Just as this young boy saw blessing and hope through this birthday celebration and the incredible new life he was experiencing from the adoption, we too can have incredible hope through a birthday celebration.

Matthew 12:21

“And his name will be the hope of all the world.”

Christmas is our opportunity to celebrate Jesus’ birth and the new life he offers us through his death and resurrection. When we put our faith in him as our Lord and Savior, we are adopted into his family and become recipients of his blessings (Romans 8:15, Romans 8:23).

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about Abraham’s faith and story. His hope is infectious, yet the hope we have in Jesus is even more powerful. It’s an anchor, especially during our most difficult times.

Hebrews 6:19

This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.

When we keep our hope in Jesus, it is easy to be thankful and content for what we have. By understanding that Jesus won’t let us down, there is no way not to be thankful for the hope we have in this world. What a miraculous blessing Jesus’ birth offers us.


When you’re feeling down, do you look to God for hope? What are you hoping for this Christmas season?

Next Steps:

Watch Abraham’s story, and think about a time you have been so thankful that you wanted to spread the hope of the world. Invite others to church with you so they can see where your hope comes from.


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me hope. Help me share it so others will feel your love and joy. You give me the hope that I need to keep going and spreading your word so others can know you the way I do. Thank you for every day that you put the breath in my lungs. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Parent Resource:

Read Luke 1:32-33 together as a family. Parents, share the meaning behind your children’s names (Google is your friend for this) and why it’s special to you.

This post was written by Casey Stengel. Casey is a follower of Christ, a dad, and an avid Chicago sports fan. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with family and friends. He works in recovery and loves to help people however he can. He is also working toward his Associate Degree in Biblical Studies.

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