“Oh Lord, Won’t You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz?”

Weekend Series: For the Win

DreamTeam Writer: Laurie White

Monday, January 9, 2023

For much of my early adult life, I thought the pinnacle of my success would be the ability to own and drive a Mercedes Benz SE convertible (apparently, something I have in common with Janis Joplin). I’ve never really been a car person, but this car is cool. I thought that such a vehicle would show the world that I had won!

Then I met Jesus, and my perspective shifted—a lot! I came to realize that while there’s nothing wrong with owning a luxury car, there are things that are much more important! I believe Solomon came to feel that way too when he wrote:

Ecclesiastes 1:14
I observed everything going on under the sun, and really, it is all meaningless—like chasing the wind.

A new year is often a time when we reflect, reassess, and make resolutions to move in another direction. Some of us may conclude that we have been chasing after the wrong win. Perhaps like me and my Mercedes Benz, what you thought would make you happy or show the world you had won, really won’t pay off in the way you originally thought.

We learned in the weekend message that how we view Christ impacts how we view all the other aspects of our life.

So how do you view Jesus?

Is he the authority that you seek when grappling with the big questions of your life? Or are you still trying to make those decisions on your own, only turning to Jesus when all else fails? The Bible makes it clear that Jesus has been given all authority.

Matthew 28:18-20
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. … 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

He came to give us new life, a life of purpose according to his plans for us. He is with us. He wants us to obey him and follow him and teach others to do the same. In all aspects of our lives Jesus is the authority because he is the author.

Psalm 139:16 says, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

When you embrace this truth, you realize that a clear view of Christ creates a winning view of life. He has gone before us, and knows the path we will take. He has won the victory for us. We don’t need to be afraid of whatever the future holds because Jesus has already been there. He will walk with us through all of the messes we find ourselves in, whether the messes are our fault or not.

Romans 8:31(b) says that “if God is for us, who can ever be against us?”

Our life now cannot compare to the life that awaits us in his kingdom. God’s best for you comes when you trust him first. It’s the beginning of a new year! You can decide here and now to let Jesus lead your life for the next year. It will be the best resolution of your life!

Do you make New Year's resolutions? Are you successful in keeping them? Have you ever decided to let Jesus lead your life?

Next Steps:
Surrender an issue you’ve been wrestling with to God and trust in him.

If you have never invited Jesus to be the Lord of your life, let today be the day. Pray this prayer: “Jesus, thank you for giving your life for me. I now invite you into my life and into my heart. I ask that you forgive all my sin and restore my broken relationship with God. I acknowledge you as Lord and Savior, and I submit my will to yours. Guide me. Lead me. Show me the next right thing. I trust you today, Jesus. In your beautiful name I pray, amen.”

If you prayed that prayer for the first time, be sure to tell a pastor or Christian friend so they can help you with your next step.

21 Days of Prayer

Day 1 Focus - To place my trust in God (Psalm 62:8)

God, in your Word you invite me to pour out my heart to you. You are my refuge. I know that anything I think, feel, or do is ok to bring to you. Knowing you are a safe place for me, I come to you and give you everything. From what worries me to what delights me, to what I hope for, to what I’m afraid of, I bring it all to you because I can trust you. (Talk to God about the specific things that are on your heart today.) Help me and guide me in every area. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s Parent Prayer

This post was written by Lauri White. Lauri is one of the 25 people that God used to start CedarCreek in the Fall of 1995, and was on staff until 2013. Lauri loves Jesus, and loves helping people, especially women, live out of the truth about who we are in Christ. She and her husband Mike live in Oregon, but now spend winter months in Florida near daughter Kelda and her family.

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