Push Past the Narrative

Weekend Series: For the Win

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

I entered the classroom nervously searching for an empty desk next to one of my friends. It was the first day of school of my fourth-grade year, and seats had yet to be assigned. A cold voice growled, “Just find a seat, Mr. Camp.” Panic set in. I had grown accustomed to the sound of disappointment from teachers who didn’t understand I was a different student than my older siblings had been.

Fast forward to my ninth-grade year. I returned from lunch, eagerly looking forward to art class. Suddenly, the familiar “skeptical teacher” voice returned: “Mr. Camp, am I going to have a problem with you too?” Just once, I wanted to start a school year with a win instead of unjust accusations.

It never took long for people to see me for me, but it always felt like I was competing against a hidden opponent of some sort. I never minded the thrill of competition in a game, but trying to win in life isn’t always fun.

Coach Hite used to say, “Good enough is not enough. It is forever the enemy of your very best.” Those words went beyond the football field—in my culture, they carried much weight. To win, I had to push past the narrative placed on me. Accusations of not being good enough only fueled my passion. If someone had asked why winning meant so much, I would’ve said, “Because they said I couldn’t have it.”

Honestly, my drive became my biggest opponent. I always tried to be my inspiration, which eventually became more of a burden than the naysayers.

Romans 8:1
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Knowing who I belong to shuts the door on anyone and anything that tries to hold me back. Winning is more than any singular victory that ends the moment after it’s achieved. Winning happens in the lessons learned from our mistakes, our growth in stepping toward our purpose, and the understanding we gain while building our relationships with Christ and the people purposefully placed in our lives.

You don’t need luck to win, if you know what you’re playing for.

How have accusations held you back in life? How do you quiet your doubting voice?

Next Steps:
Step into a freeing life with Jesus by attending a life-giving church and joining a small group that focuses on your needs. Take part in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - text “21 Days” to 419-419-0707

21 Days of Prayer

Day 3 Focus - For my commitment to him (Psalm 37:5)
Heavenly Father, you are trustworthy. I know I can rely on you, so I commit everything I have and am to you. May I carry out your will in my actions. May my thoughts and behaviors follow your path for my life. Help me to trust you in all that I do. Teach me to listen for your voice and obey your guidance. You are the source of my strength, and my help comes from you. In your Son’s name I pray! Amen.

Today’s Parent Prayer

This post was written by Jaron Camp. Jaron is a storyteller and a professional ghostwriter who enjoys using his gifts to write for the LivingItOut. When he’s not developing fictional worlds, researching, and writing, Jaron enjoys watching sports, participating in family game night, and spending time with his wife and four kids

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