The Spiritual Discipline of Reflection

Weekend Series: Church at Home

DreamTeam Writer: Sarah Pagel

Monday, January 2, 2023

The start of a new year is packed with excitement and anticipation—making resolutions, attending holiday parties, and spending time with friends and family. But amidst all that busyness, it’s also the perfect time for reflection.

This past weekend, Pastor Ben unpacked a way for us to look back on 2022 and see the way God has been working in our lives. He shared that reflection is not just a useful tool to help us reach our goals—it’s also a spiritual discipline.

Throughout the Bible, we see God calling his people to remember. In Exodus 12:17, he institutes Passover, a festival to commemorate the Israelites’ freedom from slavery in Egypt. In Joshua 4:1-3, God tells the Israelites to craft a stone memorial after he stopped the Jordan River, allowing them to cross. In Luke 22:17-20, Jesus introduces the sacrament of Communion, a way for his followers to remember his sacrifice for them.

All of these leverage something tangible in order to help people reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness. And while the New Year celebration does not have spiritual origins, it offers a similar opportunity to slow down, think back over the past year, and witness God’s fingerprints in ways we might not have noticed in the thick of things.

Psalm 143:5
I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done.

That is why the spiritual discipline of reflection is so important. Looking back provides us a different vantage point, and seeing God’s provision in the past helps us trust him more in the future. We can grow from past mistakes in a way that is grace-filled instead of shame-producing in order to make course corrections moving forward.

As we embark into 2023, use this as an opportunity to pray and reflect on the past year. Remember God’s faithfulness and the way he’s shown up in your life. You might be surprised by the encouragement and insight you discover.

What are some ways that God showed up for you in 2022?

Do you notice any ways you grew spiritually over the past year?

Are there any next steps you want to take in 2023?

Next Steps:
Take 15 minutes each day to journal through the questions following each LivingItOut devotion. Share some of your answers with a trusted friend.

Find a tangible way to commemorate God’s faithfulness over the past year—light a candle, sketch a picture, or write out a prayer to do just that.

Dear Lord, thank you for leading me through 2022. Through all the ups and downs, you were faithful. As I start this new year, help me pause and reflect more. Give me spiritual vision to see what you are doing in my life. I want to draw closer to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

This post was written by Sarah Pagel. Sarah is passionate about weaving stories pierced with beauty, light, and sehnsucht. She’s an avid reader of everything from dusty classics to modern fantasy. When not living in worlds made of words, she can be found spending time with her family, taking long walks, or practicing yet another Vivaldi piece on her violin.

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