What is Quiet Time with God All About?

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, June 7, 2024

If you talk to someone who has been journeying with Jesus for a while, you may have heard them mention their “quiet time” and how important it has been to their faith life. It may sound delightful, but what is it, and where do you begin?

Just as any good relationship is developed through regular time together, our relationship with God also requires intentionality to thrive. This is what quiet time is all about—a dedicated time to connect with God. And the good news is it doesn’t have to take long! Just 15 minutes a day can cultivate a rich relationship with Jesus.

While many people opt for early mornings to set the tone for their day, the best time is one that you will actually do consistently. What it looks like is also unique, but it generally incorporates periods of stillness/listening, prayer, and Scripture. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Choose a space where you won’t be interrupted—a favorite chair, the back patio, or a closet. Someplace with minimal distractions so you can center your thoughts on God. Begin by breathing slowly and deeply and thanking God for something you are grateful for. Continue to breathe slowly for a few minutes, and then invite Jesus to show you what he wants to teach you as you read Scripture.

For the next 3 to 5 minutes, read a short Scripture passage—maybe a full chapter, or even just a few verses. Be prepared to jot down anything that jumps out at you. What did you learn about God? What did you learn about yourself? How can you apply what you learned?

Pause quietly and ask something like, “What are you trying to teach me, Lord? Is there something I should know?” If something comes to you, write it down. Some days, there will be a lot, others there won’t. The quantity is not the point. The point is making yourself available. Even if you don’t hear something, you can enjoy the presence and peace of God’s company.

During the final few minutes, offer a prayer of gratitude for this precious time together. Praise him for what he taught you, and/or ask God for help with your daily needs or those of others.

Consistent time with God will help you know him better and trust him more. It will deepen your faith and encourage you to share that faith with others.

Why not give it a try?

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