An Instruction of Communication

Weekend Series: A Year of Response

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Read john 3, Philippians 4:6-7

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

New Testament Reading Plan: John 3

Many think babies are complicated. Maybe it’s because they cry when it’s inconvenient for everyone else. But, if you take a step back and think about why a baby cries, you’ll see the smallest of us are much better at asking for what they need.

An infant knows how to communicate their needs and wants. Over time, parents and caregivers learn to distinguish between the various tones of weeping to determine what the little one needs. Whether the request is for a bottle or diaper change, it’s simple communication from child to parent.

What happens when you witness the care of a baby? The cries lessen, and cooing begins. You see an infant’s eyes light up and kick their feet at the sight of a bottle instead of bellowing in distress to get attention. They know intentional care is coming, so a healthy baby isn’t anxious.

It’s no wonder why God gifts us with children—whether biologically, through community, or as aunts and uncles. Adjust your perspective and consider yourself the baby and God, our Father, the loving caregiver providing for your needs. Imagine if you communicated with God as a baby communicates with a parent.

Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer isn’t a complicated distress call in which you wait for Superman or Batman to show up at the last moment. No—prayer is how we talk to God and communicate our wants and needs to our Father. Sometimes, prayers go unanswered because God knows our wants will hurt us, our needs are unnecessary at the time, or perhaps, we’re not ready for them. But what might surprise some of us the most is that our prayers fall short because we are neglecting to ask God for anything (James 4:2).

Too often, we communicate our frustrations and fears with the world instead of taking them to God. By demanding the world give what only God can provide, we risk even more miscommunication and confusion. Instead, God awaits us with open arms, promising to hear our prayers. Prayer is not our last-ditch effort, but a lasting line of communication with God.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, talk to your Father with the authenticity of a baby.

How often do you ask God for something? Do you schedule time to pray?

Next Steps:
Go to the prayer team or participate on the CedarCreek App and ask others to pray for and with you. Start your day by praying to remind yourself of what God does for you. Make a prayer list, check them off as God answers them, and evaluate your list over time.

If you want to guide other people through the steps of praying, consider joining the Prayer Team at your campus.

21 Days of Prayer

Day 3—Commitment

Today’s Prayer Focus: For my Commitment to Him  (Psalm 37:5)

Today’s Prayer:
Heavenly Father, you are trustworthy. I know I can rely on you, so I commit everything I have and am to you. May I carry out your will in my actions. May my thoughts and behaviors follow your path for my life. Help me to trust you in all that I do. Teach me to listen for your voice and obey your guidance. You are the source of my strength, and my help comes from you. In your Son’s name I pray! Amen.

This post was written by Jaron Camp, a Findlay campus attendee, and a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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