Thursday, February 6, 2025
New Testament Reading Plan: Romans 3
Did you know that none of the original Israelites who left Egypt got to see the Promised Land? Why? Because, while Moses was off meeting with the real God, they became anxious, deviated from the plan, and created a new god. They had not yet learned to change the way they think.
Left unattended, their reaction was to fall back into what was familiar, what they had seen and heard in Egypt. As Joshua grew up, he learned to trust in God’s plan. He learned from Moses not to deviate, not even a little bit. Because of his faith, God chose Joshua to lead the next generation of Israelites into the Promised Land.
Joshua learned that pre-deciding to follow God’s plan would pave the way to his desired future. As he led the Israelites—God provided. They possessed towns they hadn’t built, land filled with crops they hadn’t planted, flocks they hadn’t raised. Joshua remained strong and courageous and never deviated from God's plan.
As he grew old and knew his time to die was near, he called his people together. He reminded them of the miracles God had performed and the blessings they’d been given. Joshua called them to either renew the covenant they had made or decide not to follow it. He warned them of the consequences of deviating to the left or right of God’s plan.
Joshua 24:15c
“But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
Often what makes sense to the world doesn’t make sense in God’s plan. Just like Joshua, pre-deciding to follow God’s plan can help pave the way to your desired future, too.
Be specific!
If you decide to tithe, make a plan to give a certain amount and trust God to provide, even when unexpected expenses arise.
If you decide to exercise or eat better, plan for mis-steps and how to get back on track.
Decide in advance that when “___________” happens, I will “_____________.” Let go of reactive behavior and learn to be proactive!
I hope that when the end of my days come, I am not wishing I had spent more time witnessing for God. I want the world to remember who I believed in and why I believed! I long to hear the words “well done good and faithful servant” from my Lord and Savior (Matthew 25:23).
Do you?
Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? If not, what is holding you back? What is the next step in your journey? Have you made a plan?
Next Steps:
Be proactive in your walk with Jesus. Take your next step by getting Baptized, joining a Group, or attending GrowthTrack.
Lord Almighty, you are merciful indeed. You have made a way for me to join you in the work you are doing here on earth. Fill me with strength and courage to step into the plan you have for me. Show me. Give me just enough light for the step that I am on and lead me into a future planned and provided by you. I trust in you Lord and lay down any idols that are in the way of following you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Series Theme Verse:
Romans 12:2
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
This post was written by Julie Estep, a Perrysburg attendee and regular contributor to the LivingItOut.