Day 7

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Monday, October 3, 2022

We’re halfway through 60 Days to Better Mental and here just some of the things we’ve covered so far are:

  • Identifying your emotions by using the emotions wheel, and inviting God to speak into them
  • Ways to allow God to transform your thinking
  • Pausing with a simple phrase and prayer to help control emotions

Before we keep going:

  • Is there one you’ve been meaning to do but then got busy and didn’t? Take a few minutes to determine how you are going to start doing that one tonight.
  • Have you put one into practice? What have the results been?
  • Were you reminded of something through the Mixed Emotions series that you wanted to start doing? Stop doing? Or talk through with a friend?
  • Reflect on steps you’ve taken and share the results with a friend or with your group.

Better mental health can often be slow progress, but celebrate and thank God for any size step(s) you’ve taken. Better isn’t instant, and it’s typically not just one thing. Instead, it's a few of these things done over time. We are cheering for you every step of the way and we still have more to come. (And we'll really try NOT to send you 2 texts in a row with the same information like we did last week - we're so sorry for the double text!)

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