Matthew 12 - A Line Drawn

Weekend Series: Matthew Reading Plan

DreamTeam Writer: Linda Repka

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

New Testament Reading Plan: Matthew 12

Somewhere around my 40th birthday, I read a Bible verse that I had seen before—but this time a light bulb turned on. It was Matthew 12:30, and I received the message in a very personal way: I am either with Jesus, or I’m against him. 

It was like a line drawn in the sand. 

Matthew 12:30
“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.” 

Was I truly with Jesus? 

Oh, I acknowledged my belief that God existed, but did my belief bring me to faith in him (Hebrews 11:6)? I finally decided it was time to find out what being with him meant.

…Fast forward 28 years to this present moment, and what have I learned? 

We cannot come to faith unless we diligently seek him and trust him. I was not a true believer, because knowing about God did not bring me to trust in him. If Jesus would have come back for his Church 28 years ago, he would have told me that he never knew me (Matthew 7:23). 

Now, because of the truth in God’s Word, I know and understand—I am God’s daughter. He recognizes me through his Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, who is God’s plan for our salvation. 

Philippians 2:12-13 “Shine Brightly for Christ”
Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. 

We cannot just claim to believe in God. We need to ask him to work in our hearts. And as he does and we begin to faithfully follow him, we will see our lives change. 

Although there is nothing we can do to save ourselves, our faith begins to guide our words and actions as we respond out of our love and trust for our Savior. This transformation is a reflection of God’s love, and a demonstration that our belief has come to faith. 

I for one am grateful for the very clear line Jesus has drawn in the sand—a line that offers each of us a choice: 

Are you with him or against him?

Are you with Jesus or against him? If you believe you are with Jesus, do your actions and words honor him?

Next Steps: 
Think about things you’ve done to honor and dishonor Jesus.

Keep a daily journal for one week to help you take control of your actions and grow in your personal relationship with Jesus. Divide each page in half. Title one side, “The ways my life honors God,” and the other side, “ Areas where God is still refining me.”

Allow Jesus to transform your heart regarding the things you’ve said and done that are against him by talking to God, confessing your sins, asking for forgiveness, and repenting (turning back to him and away from your sins). 

Father God, I am so very grateful for your presence in my life. Continue to change my heart as you carry me through my day. Thank you for showing me that my words and actions demonstrate my heart for you. My desire is to be with you in every aspect of my being. Bring to mind my prideful moments so I can confess them, turn from them, and find a better way to honor you. I need you, and I ask you to continue this journey with me—that I might live through your strength and become more like your Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray in his most holy name, amen. 

Series Theme Verse:

Hebrews 4:15
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.

This post was written by Linda Repka, a Whitehouse attendee, and a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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