Monday Restoration - At The Movies 2022

DreamTeam Writer: Marsha Raymond

Monday, November 7, 2022

Monday: Restoration

November 7, 2022

My oldest daughter, Anna, is a lieutenant in the Navy. While she was in officer training school, she met Renee, who was also going into aviation. They have been super close friends for over five years now.

Completing flight school and being a pilot is extremely difficult and stressful. Renee and Anna have supported each other, laughed together, and shared dreams and sorrows with each other. I know Renee has been a lifeline for Anna, and I thank God they are friends.

This weekend, we kicked off the series, At the Movies, by featuring Top Gun: Maverick. My husband and I watched this movie as proud navy parents. As I was reflecting on the weekend sermon, I thought about how much Renee and Anna’s friendship was like Goose and Maverick’s.

I can’t imagine the pain Maverick would have experienced losing Goose. Many years later, he was still feeling guilt and grieving the loss of his best friend. As we learned in the sermon, if we’re not careful, our past can hold us captive, causing us to miss our purpose

Maverick was just existing—not living.

He was an old, washed-up navy pilot. He earned many Navy accommodations but never moved up in rank. He had a reputation for being a loose cannon and breaking rules. In all of his pain, he had forgotten his purpose. He lost sight of who he was and why he was created.

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us a long ago.

In the movie, Maverick received new orders and was sent back to Top Gun, where he was briefed on a dangerous mission. At first, he’s ecstatic, because he thinks he will be flying the mission. But then he finds out that his orders are to instruct a new group of Top Gun pilots so they can complete the mission.

To make matters worse, he also discovers that one of the pilots is Goose’s son, Rooster. Rooster and Maverick have a strained relationship. They are both being held captive by their troubled pasts, and they have both continued to carry deep pain from the loss of Goose.

As the movie unfolds, you see the relationship between Rooster and Maverick be restored. They learn to work together and find forgiveness, and in the process, they accomplish their mission—together.

Whatever hurt and pain you are holding onto, remember God loves you so much. He wants you to live in his peace, love, and joy. He wants a restored relationship with you. It doesn’t matter what you have done in your past, he has a purpose for your life today. God can turn your heartbreak into something amazingly good.

Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.


What guilt and pain are you holding on to? Ask yourself if it is affecting your relationship with God. And if so, what can you do about it?

Next Steps:

Pray to God for restoration and surrender your pain and guilt to him.

Sign up for our special LIO Flash Fiction series that parallels the movie theme each week by texting FICTION to 419-419-0707.


God, I am so grateful and thankful that you love me so much. I am overwhelmed that you, the God of the universe, consider me your masterpiece. Lord, please bring restoration in my life. Heal all my pain and guilt, and draw me closer to you. Fill me with your peace, hope, love, and joy, and help me to fulfill your purpose for my life. Amen.

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