Why Read the Bible?

Church Community: Julie Mabus

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and yet to many it seems dull and unapproachable. You may have wondered “Why should I use my precious time to read an outdated and probably inaccurate book of rules?”

Contrary to popular opinion, the Bible’s timeless words are actually not a list of rules at all. It is an epic story about God that unfolds when you open the pages of Scripture.

It begins with God creating a people out of his love and giving them dominion to rule and reign over all the earth. Out of pride they rebel, falling from perfection and innocence into pain and isolation. The rest of the Bible is about God bringing his beloved people back into fellowship with him. Through the Jewish people, we see that it’s impossible for humans to follow the laws of a righteous God. After thousands of years, God, through Jesus, comes to earth. He lives the perfect life we were meant to live and then willingly sacrifices his own life for our salvation. Through faith in Christ, our relationship with God is redeemed and restored.

The Bible teaches us how to live like Jesus and culminates with a vision of the final reunion. Christ will return welcoming his people into eternal fellowship with him, and judging those who reject his salvation. It's an incredible story of love, sacrifice and redemption.

So why read this story? The Bible is the Word of God come down to his people bringing hope to a broken world. It is God speaking to us personally, helping us learn who he is and how to live a life that pleases him out of gratitude for all he has done. It teaches us how to live as free people: people liberated from the slavery of our own desires. It reminds us we are not alone, providing comfort when we are hurting or angry. It fills us with joy as we read how much God loves us – his children. We see this world is not all there is. Evil will be dealt with, and the pain of death will be defeated. It shows us that our “now” is not forever.

Page after page, we witness God’s amazing love and learn that although we currently suffer, one day we, and the world, will be restored to wholeness. It reminds us that the longing for something more is there because there is something more.

I can’t imagine not reading the Bible, can you?

This article was contributed by Julie Mabus, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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