Thursday, October 31, 2024
Partying seems to be a right of passage for any child, leaving the unwanted protection of home. I, for one, looked forward to those weekend vibes with friends and strangers who could end up as friends. It often starts innocently; that’s how it was for me. I spent late nights playing cards, listening to music, cruising the circuit (Findlay peeps might know what I mean), and attempting to step outside my comfort zone.
I didn’t indulge in anything those first few years, but I started enjoying the taste of alcohol six months before my 21st birthday. Eventually, I went from the sweeter, more palatable drinks, to the potent liquors I had heard about in songs. Excessive partying consumed my weekends and became my standard for years. Eventually I removed myself from the group who partied too much because it wasn’t for me. However, I still overconsumed at celebrations. Those moments were less frequent, but the feeling was still horrible.
I began asking myself if this was becoming a problem, inviting God to speak into my habit. I gave up alcohol for Lent to aid my search for answers, and decided to add another six months for good measure. With God’s help, I was able to abstain from drinking. I learned that a few drinks in social settings were plenty. A potential problem didn’t become a habit because I surrendered to God and let go of wasted moments.
2 Chronicles 16:9
“The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
Last weekend’s message taught us that the first step of confession is admitting the truth about our lives. We must acknowledge that we’ve been unsuccessfully trying to do life on our own. The next step is to repent, asking God to help us change course and replace our old ways of doing things with God-honoring behaviors.
What is stopping you from admitting your hidden truths? The Holy Spirit is stirring inside you because you’ve taken this time to be purposeful today. Continue to let go of wasted moments by subtracting distractions and finding ways to add God daily.
How has letting go increased your faith?
Do you struggle with battling life alone?
Next Steps:
Make sacrifices by eliminating or pausing distractions (social media, relationships, alcohol, video games, etc.) for a few months. Pray, and ask God what you should give up.
Participating in The Daily on the CedarCreek App is a great way to grow your relationship with God through his Word.
God, my confessions are yours. I pray for the strength to go to war with myself, letting go of the distractions that limit my spiritual growth. Please guide my days to fill my heart with truth and purpose. Amen.
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This post was written by Jaron Camp, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.