The Importance of Letting Go Kids Make a Difference Mobile App Outreach The older they get, the more you have to learn to let go, and a mission trip is a great next step!
Bring the Family: The Value of Serving Together Discover Purpose Faith Kids Make a Difference Mobile App Outreach All of us would say that we want to pass along the value of serving to our own kids - why is it so hard?
Helping Kids Cultivate the Skill of Noticing Faith Kids Make a Difference Mobile App Outreach Parenting Before we raise compassionate kids, we need to help them develop the skill of noticing others and the needs around them.
Time to Go Faith Make a Difference Mobile App Outreach Parenting Is there a comfort zone Jesus is calling you to leave for the sake of sharing His good news with a hurting world?
Make a Difference This Summer Faith Make a Difference Mobile App Outreach As you're scheduling your barbecues and trips to the beach, thinking about tackling projects and spending time with loved ones, have you carved out time to make a difference in our community?
Make It a Combo Adults Discover Purpose Faith Freedom Groups Kids Make a Difference Married Mobile App Outreach Parenting Stories Jesus set the perfect example for us in how He served, and even when my plate is full, it's possible to follow Him - I can "Make it a combo!"