Devin's Summary of Day 1

Church Community: Devin Goede

Monday, June 10, 2024

Today I woke up at 6:45am. Then I got ready for the day, ate breakfast, prayed, and went to the site. We had time before we were needed for the nursing home so we stopped at a coffee shop and I got a smoothie and a sandwich. Then we went to the nursing home and played bingo with some of the residents. Carolyn was really nice and cool and she won when we played blackout. So for her prize she got bracelets! After that we headed to a church that serves free food to the people in need. So we helped them for 2 hours and in return they made us some of their left over food from making the free meals. Next we went to an emergency shelter to sort clothes for people who live there. Last we stopped to get some ice cream and then headed back to the church we are staying at. That was a summary of my first day on the trip. Thank you Lord for the incredible people you put on this world.

Check out this picture from the lookout spot in Pikeville we visited too!!

~Devin Goede

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